Social Profit Manifesto for the abolishment of nonprofit organizations.
Social Profit Manifesto for the abolishment of nonprofit organizations.
Representatives of foundations, social bodies, organizations, associations, federations, and initiatives,
You are the country’s foremost employers. You shape the society in which we live. And your work generates an immeasurable social value. Your objective is not financial profit but profit for all the individuals who make up our society.
Your goal is to have everyone profit from your work, thus making our world a humane one. You are not societal makeweight, always having to apologize for the fact that moneymaking is not part of your organization’s DNA. Therefore do not let yourselves be called “nonprofit organizations” any longer. You are Social Profit Organizations!
We would wish that only organizations existed in this world whose primary goal it is to generate social benefit. Organizations and enterprises which make our world more warmhearted and worth living in, and which contribute to the common good: Social Profit Organizations.
Social entrepreneurs in social businesses, be a part of it! Use this new term.
Let there emerge an all-embracing spirit of economic management and let social gain be at the center of our thoughts, language, and actions.
Each and every organization can help drive that change in thinking. Make the switch now!
Oliver Viest and the <em>faktor team
Please use this link für communication:
You have made the switch? Please let us know by sending us an email with a link or your new communication material. We will create a chronicle of the changeover.
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